Information disclosure of Environmental Activity

Participation of CDP

TANAX voluntarily participates in CDP
as a way to objectively show our commitment to the global environment.
CDP is an international project which requires the global and principal companies to disclose the environmental initiatives against the climate change measures, the protection of forest and water resources, and evaluate the companies.

In the big trend to utilize the ESG(Environment/Society/Governance) information to evaluate companies, CDP is one of the indicators to show the sustainability of companies.

We have participated in CDP since 2015. In 2020 as well we responded to the CDP questionnaire, and disclosed the record of the climate change measures and forest conservation activities last year, also our future strategy and risk management result.

Climate change

We count up the energy consumption of the entire company. TANAX is working to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas through the energy and resource savings.



We contribute to the forest conservation through using the properly managed forest material(forest management certified paper), and operating “Chanto ECO” label certified system.



We will aggregate the amount of water intake and drainage at our factories and offices and disclose the information on our water use. We will continue to improve the accuracy of aggregation and work to contribute the sustainable water use.



Please feel free to contact us.
